Eat, Drink, Live

Eat, Drink, Live.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Trying Times: Grocery Store Woes, Oatmeal Addictions, and Super Easy Taco Crockpot Soup

I know I haven't written a new post in a while, but part of my absence is due to the fact that it is COLD outside in Chicago this winter! Combine that with the absence of my local grocery store leads to a couple of depressed DePaul students.

Dominick's, the local grocery store chain right near my apartment, closed its doors in December, and with the sub-zero, snowy weather, I don't have enough warm clothes…or motivation…to venture out to Trader Joe's. So things around here have been a little…interesting.

It's not that we aren't eating well, but it has been hard to plan for meals so far in advance. Buying food that is still healthy, but has a long shelf life has been a struggle. I'm learning along the way, but I'm trying my best to eat as well as possible under these circumstances.

Luckily, I have a great friend with a car who is willing to take us elsewhere for groceries, but I truly did not realize how lucky I was to have a grocery store right in my neighborhood until it disappeared.

So what have I been eating for dinner? Lots of baked potatoes, and baked sweet potatoes with various toppings, including feta, spinach, and mushrooms. I've also made an incredibly easy taco soup recipe in the crockpot.

I love The Chew, and Carla Hall's Chocolate Fudge Oatmeal
has been one of my new favorite breakfasts! Switch it up and
add some toasted coconut, nuts, or fruit for a delicious,
decadent breakfast or dessert!
Breakfast is the most difficult, considering I usually eat greek yogurt with fresh fruit everyday. I've switched my bananas out for apples and oranges, which have a long shelf life, and I've traded yogurt for oatmeal on some days.

Below are some of the recipes I've been living by for the last month. But things are looking up! It was announced today that Whole Foods will be taking the place of our old Dominick's. Hopefully construction is done before the end of the school year!

Carla Hall's Chocolate Fudge Oatmeal has taken the place of my fruit-and-yogurt breakfasts. This breakfast tastes like dessert, but the almond milk makes it incredibly satisfying, holding me over for long periods of time. Can't wait to try this with some fresh raspberries. It can even be eaten as a dessert!

World's Easiest Crock Pot Taco Soup - Recipe 


1 can black beans
1 can corn
1 can Rotel tomatoes
1 can diced tomatoes
1 packet taco seasoning
1 can green chiles
1 can pinto beans
15 oz beef broth (more if you want a thinner soup)
1 LB ground beef
Garlic powder


Brown the ground beef in a skillet and season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
Add all of the canned ingredients, the taco seasoning, the broth, and the ground beef to a crock pot, and cook on low for a few hours (nothing here has to actually cook…it just has to heat and the flavors need to infuse).
Serve with tortilla chips!

Really, it's that simple! Totally filling, and especially satisfying when temperatures are sub-zero and the wind chills are ridiculous.

Stay warm and bon appetit!

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