Eat, Drink, Live

Eat, Drink, Live.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Review: Look Better Naked 2-Day Cleanse

ast week, I did a two-day cleanse from Women's Health Mag. I promised a follow-up, and I'm here to deliver:

I kind of cheated...

But don't judge just yet! Let me explain.

Day one I followed the diet pretty religiously. The breakfast smoothie was actually really delicious, and it held me over! I drank one in the morning before class (at about 9 am) and I was completely satisfied until my especially late lunch at almost 2:00! I was not expecting this at all, and with my eating schedule being thrown off by work and school on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning next week, I might make this smoothie more of a staple in my diet. If it can keep me satisfied for a long time, I'm all for it.

I informed you previously that I was substituting the asparagus for a grapefruit, and I did just that. I had a snack of cucumbers and greek yogurt before lunch and had my grapefruit as an after-dinner dessert.

My lunches consisted of a salad with chickpeas and for dinner, I made an egg-white omelette with spinach, cheese, and salsa. Yum! Really, I wasn't hungry at all the first day. It was feeling confident that I could keep this cleanse up. I weighed myself the next morning just to see...lost over 3/4 of a pound in just the first day!

Now, the second day I did the same as the first until dinner time. And here comes my biggest complaint about this cleanse--it's completely manageable if you're inactive, but after my Thursday night Zumba class, I was absolutely famished.

I didn't "blow" the cleanse, per se. My dinner on Thursday night consisted of healthy foods, but I just needed significantly more than the allotted serving, and deservedly so! My roommate wears a monitor to Zumba on occasion to see how many calories she burns in a session--usually it's over 400! I needed to replenish my body with nutrients. So I kept the yolks in my omelette, I ate a baked apple with cinnamon, and I had some baby carrots and hummus. Still healthy, still natural, just more.

I only lost .2 pounds the second day, but that's okay! The point wasn't losing weight, it was cleansing the body. And truthfully, I felt great afterwards. I felt like I had given my body a fresh start, even though it was only a two-day "cleanse" and I kind of cheated. It was enough to get me back into a routine of eating well.

Would  I do it again? Absolutely. It was so simple, and I didn't feel deprived (the first day, at least). Next time, though, I would make sure I did it when I was not planning on working out. That way, I could stick to the rules for two full days. I encourage you to give it a try and rejuvenate!

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