Eat, Drink, Live

Eat, Drink, Live.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sinful Onion Gravy - Recipe

Last night, we had a twist on a wonderful classic: meatloaf with mashed potatoes and a delicious onion gravy reminiscent of the onion gravy served on brats that we had on our visit to Switzerland a few years ago.

To kick this classic dish up a few notches, we added some beautiful shredded parsnips to our meatloaf, and topped the whole thing with balsamic glaze and fresh tomatoes, which roasted and caramelized in the oven. The mashed potatoes were made "Tom" style in honor of our friend, who says that the best method for making mashed potatoes is to boil the potatoes with the onion and garlic in the pot of water in order to infuse the flavor. Everything was delicious, but the onion gravy was the star.

Although we put it on our meatloaf (and on mashed potato cakes with eggs for breakfast in the morning), this gravy is incredibly versatile. It would make a great topping for steak, on burgers, a veal cutlet or pork chop, or maybe for bangers and mash. The flavor is potent--rich, salty, and oniony. But I could seriously drink this stuff, and the rest of my family would probably agree.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Feast for Fifty: Tim’s Birthday Celebration

My dad turned the big 5-0 last week, and to celebrate, we made a meal fit for a king to share with our family and friends. Take a look at the pics! You’re going to be envious.

Everything was enjoyed with some wonderful bottles of wine and, of course, a some fine Scotch.

A Twist on an English Classic: Cottage Pie with Mashed Cauliflower Topping – Recipe

This Cottage Pie is perfect for a cold winter day
As I posted a few weeks ago, I’ve been craving Shepherd’s Pie. The traditional English dish is hearty, perfect for a chilly winter day. My first day in St. Louis for winter break warranted such a dish, and boy, was it delicious.

Now the difference between Shepherd’s Pie and Cottage Pie is the meat that is used for the filling. Though many refer to the dish collectively as Shepherd’s Pie, a true Shepherd’s pie contains lamb meat. Since we prepared the dish with beef (although you could use any ground meat, including turkey, chicken, lamb, veal, or even sausage), it is technically a Cottage Pie.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Roasted Broccoli and White Bean Soup - Recipe

While trying to use up items in our pantry and refrigerator, my mom and  I came up with this broccoli soup recipe that is sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.

Pureeing the white beans gave the soup a creamy texture, without the extra fat or calories, which is something I'd consider doing in the future as a replacement, adding a healthy dose of protein! My mom and I are thinking about trying this with a potato soup; we'll keep you posted on how it turns out!

This soup is rich, creamy, and loaded with flavor. Unlike many dishes that fit this description, however, this dish is very healthy.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Healthy Holiday Side - Roasted Balsamic Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries and Almonds - Recipe

Eating healthy around the holidays can be a challenge. This dish, however, is both healthy, easy, and sure to please at your next holiday party or even just a dinner at home!

I made this dish earlier in the week, and it just hit the spot. Brussels sprouts are one of my all-time favorite vegetables, and when combined with the tartness of fresh cranberries and the sweet toasted almonds, this dish has all the right flavors and textures going on at once, and it's so easy to prepare!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

5 Tips for Surviving the Holidays: Food Edition

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which is only the start of the holiday season. More often than not, this time of year is packed with holiday parties and celebrations where eating and drinking rich and fatty goodness take center stage. Most of us usually pack in as much sweet and fatty goodness as we can before making New Years' Resolutions (that are usually broken within a few days) to lose a few pounds out of guilt for the overindulgence of the holidays.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Finals Week Fungi: Mediterranean Stuffed Mushrooms - Recipe

It's finals week at DePaul, meaning I don't have much time. After working an eight hour day at my internship and having spent a little too much time working on my final 18th Century English Literature essay, I needed a quick and easy dinner solution that would be delicious, but require minimal effort.

My solution? Stuffed mushrooms.

Welcome to the new Honey and Herbs!

Hello everyone!

I'm so glad you've decided to venture onto my new blog website! It looks flashy, no?

Anyway, I've uploaded all of my previous posts, so things are a little out of order right now, so I'm sorry about that. However, you can easily search for posts by tags and by looking through the tabs at the top of the screen. This blog is also now accessible in an online version for easy access on your smartphone!

On this website, it will be easier than ever before for you guys to comment, share, and search for content, which is awesome because now my readers can really get involved! I'd love to hear what some of you have to say.

I'm really excited about the possibilities and can't wait to start playing around with this website and find some more fun features!

I hope you enjoy my new home! I know I do!



Haters, find the love! Working out can be fun!

I used to be one of those people that absolutely DESPISED working out. Apart from dancing, a short competitive swimming sting in elementary school, and being a member of my high school color guard, I was never really into physical activity. I'll admit it, I'm athletically challenged. But because I never "trained" or conditioned for anything in my entire life, I never had a desire to work out.

Review: Look Better Naked 2-Day Cleanse

ast week, I did a two-day cleanse from Women's Health Mag. I promised a follow-up, and I'm here to deliver:

I kind of cheated...

But don't judge just yet! Let me explain.

The Look Better Naked 2-Day Cleanse...Ready, Set, Go!

I've had an amazing summer here in Chicago, but it hasn't been so amazing for my waistline. Frequent traveling, dining out, and frozen treats have definitely taken a toll on my body over the last few months.

I can tell when I haven't been eating well--I notice a difference in my energy levels, my skin, and simply the way I feel. So with the school year starting on Wednesday, I wanted to kick it off right and get back in the groove with healthy eating.

Sleep Tight!

Getting enough sleep is the key to being healthy. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can lead to serious health problems and can make it more difficult for those trying to shed a few extra pounds.

For a while, I was having trouble sleeping, which is unusual for me. I was having a hard time coping with my lack of energy, and I needed a solution. So, I went back to basics.

The Art of Snacking: Eat This, Not That

Everybody loves snacks. They satisfy cravings and feel fulfilling and indulgent.

But let's be honest, some snacks are healthier than others, and we don't always make the best choices. In order to master snacking, we need to substitute higher calorie and unhealthy foods with fresh produce and healthy fats.

Doesn't sound fun, does it?

Health Tip of the Week: Drink Up!

I know, I know. We’ve all heard this one before. But seriously, make sure you’re getting enough H2O!

The benefits of drinking water are endless—it aids in digestion, detoxification, it’ll help clear your skin, and apparently, it may even make you smarter.

But I’m not just going to tell you to drink more of the good stuff. We all know we need it, but actually doing it is a lot easier said than done.

Obsession: Greek Yogurt - The Most Versatile Food in Your Fridge

When it comes to yogurt, go for Greek. Plain Greek.

We're in a Greek yogurt craze right now, and that's a good thing. Plenty of brands and flavors are on the market, and it's extremely good for you. All yogurts are sources of calcium, potassium, protein, zinc, and vitamins, but Greek yogurt also contains probiotic cultures which can help regulate the digestive system. For brands that are low in fat (either 0% or 2%), Greek yogurt is basically the holy grail of foods--it's low in calories, high in protein, and is nutrient dense.

Obsession: Trader Joe's Many Clove Garlic Cooking and Simmer Sauce

I live for my shopping day at Trader Joe's. It's probably the most exciting part of my week.

I always go on my day off, and it's about a mile walk from my apartment. On the nice days, I'll walk all the way there instead of taking the L. It feels like a ritual for me, and I feel so fulfilled after I come home with those brown TJ bags full of fresh produce, meat, and always a few impulse buys that I am eager to try.

The Taste of Autumn - Recipes for the Season

I've been incredibly busy lately, so I haven't had much time to cook. But that doesn't mean that I'm not searching for new recipes to try! I love warm, fall flavors, and as soon as I'm on winter break (only 10 days!) I'm definitely going to give these recipes a try.

Healthy Fall Breakfast - Cinnamon Apple Greek Yogurt Parfait

Try this autumn breakfast parfait for a sweet and satisfying breakfast treat!
I've been eating apples like a fiend lately, and this morning as I was looking at the most perfectly round and shiny apple I've ever seen sitting on my counter, I decided to throw together a delicious and healthy fall breakfast-- a Cinnamon Apple Greek Yogurt Parfait. Packed with protein, probiotics, immune-boosting cinnamon, and a shave of dark chocolate for an added treat, this fall breakfast is sure to satisfy your tastebuds and an empty stomach!

Healthy Eggplant Mini Pizzas - Obsession

Hello Everyone! I hope you're enjoying your weekend. I've been tirelessly writing essays, but I figure it's the perfect time to take a break and share with you one of my favorite quick and easy meals that I've been crazy about lately.

I saw this idea on Pinterest originally, but I've definitely put my own spin on it and made some modified versions--I've been making tons of mini pizzas out of eggplant recently, and they're absolutely delicious and low-carb!

Bobby Flay's Sweet Potato Gratin - Recipe

The weather in Chicago this week officially crossed over from cool fall to cold winter, and when I need to be warmed up, and sweet potatoes may be the king of winter foods.

I cannot take credit for this recipe, although it is one of my favorites. Bobby Flay's Sweet Potato Gratin is the ultimate comfort food. I LOVE this recipe. With only 3 ingredients (plus a little S&P), it's perfect for a college student like me, especially since sweet potatoes are only 99 cent/pound at my grocery store. Though the dish is not necessarily healthy, sometimes you need something a little rich...especially when you're like me and refuse to turn the heat on until at least November.

Single Serving Soup: Creamy Chicken Cheddar and Orzo - Recipe

Earlier this week, I mentioned buying one of those rotisserie chickens from my grocery store. I used about half the meat for my Creamy Tomato Italian Chicken and White Bean Soup, and had the rest for leftovers. But after about five days of just sprinkling the chicken over my salad for some added protein, I decided to get creative.

Single Serving Succulence: Chocolate Chip Mug Cake - Recipe

"Everywhere I travel, tiny life. Single-serving sugar, single-serving cream, single pat of butter. The microwave Cordon Bleu hobby kit. Shampoo-conditioner combos, sample-packaged mouthwash, tiny bars of soap. The people I meet on each flight? They’re single-serving friends."

Fight Club has long been one of my favorite movies, so a few nights ago when I was craving just one single-serving cake, I couldn't help but think of that line from the movie. So in the name of Tyler Durden, I made myself a single serving cake. In two minutes. In the microwave. How awesome is that?!

Creamy Tomato Italian Chicken and White Bean Soup - Recipe

I love those rotisserie chickens from the grocery store. They're deliciously juicy and they lend themselves to a broad range of recipe functions from chicken salads to buffalo wing dips to no-hassle soups.

I'm getting more and more busy, and the weather is getting colder. When I saw that my local grocer was offering a sale on the rotisserie chickens this weekend, I just had to buy one and make a soup I could freeze, making an easy dinner some night when I don't have any time or patience to cook.

This recipe is incredibly simple and completely improvised. It basically is a combination of common kitchen ingredients that I had on hand, and I was able to make it in less than 30 minutes. It's a healthy, hearty, time-saving meal! Enjoy the recipe! I'm certainly going to be making this in the future.

Rustic House Copycat Ahi Tuna Tartare - Recipe

A few weeks ago, my mom came to Chicago, and we dined at a restaurant in Lincoln Park called Rustic House. Our meal was great--duck l'orange, veal cheek ragout, and some incredible desserts. But one of the best parts of our meal was our appetizer: Ahi Tuna Tartare.

Pinterest Deliciousness: Some of My New Favorite Recipes - Obsession

I love Pinterest--even if I don't follow a recipe 100 percent, it still gives me some great ideas and I've learned things that I never would have thought to do before.

Chipotle Pumpkin and Black Bean Soup - Recipe

I know it's not quite autumn yet...and it's still pretty warm outside. But yesterday, I got a craving for pumpkin and my apartment is pretty cold, so I figured: why not make a winter soup if it's what I want?

Tuna Croquettes with Citrus Aioli - Recipe

This may be the ultimate money saving meal. I made this a few nights ago for my roommate and I before we went to the movies--we wanted a light meal so we could binge on movie theater snacks (oops) and these tuna croquettes were delicious, satisfying, and the best part? They're incredibly inexpensive to make, which is important for anyone trying to live on a tight budget.

Plum and Pork Pizzas - Recipe

Plums are in season, and they've successfully checked all of the boxes on my must-have list for buying food: They're cheap, they're fresh, they're nutritious, and they're delicious.

Last week, I had some leftover pulled pork in the freezer and I thought...pork and plums seem like a really good pair. And so the pork and plum pizza was born...and was a big hit.

Better than Butter: The Purple Pig Round 2

Here's me about to enjoy some of that delicious bone marrow!
The Purple Pig on Michigan Ave. succeeded in delivering one of the most delicious meals I've had in a long time. So, when my boyfriend came to Chicago to visit this weekend, I thought it would be the perfect place to go to celebrate our birthdays, which are only a few weeks apart.

Move over, deep dish! La Madia proves thin crust reigns supreme.

Chicago is famous for its deep dish. Giordano's, Lou Malnati's, and Gino's East all compete for the title of the best deep dish pie, but as someone from the east, I much prefer a well-crafted thin crust, and La Madia on Grand Avenue is a true gem.

little Diner Brings BIG Flavor - Dine Out Chicago

My roommate and I are frequent Groupon-ers. The coupon website offers great deals on local services and eateries, not only saving us money, but allowing us to try some amazing restaurants out there for half the cost. So when BIG & little's of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives fame offered a Groupon for two burgers, two orders of fries, and two fountain drinks for a fraction of the price, we were quick to snatch it up.

Hog Heaven: The Purple Pig is One of the Best

Let's be honest, I've eaten some amazing food in my life. I've gorged myself on pizza in Italy, I've downed tender duck from Wolfgang Puck's The Source, I've dined the restaurants of famous chefs such as Bobby Flay and Rick Bayless, and I've had some fantastic meals made by friends and family members. So when I say my experience at The Purple Pig may be one of the best dining experiences I've ever had, I mean it.

Perennial Virant: Brunch With a Unique BLT

Green City Market in Lincoln Park
Last weekend, my mom made it up to Chicago to visit. This city is arguably one of the greatest food cities in America, so when I have a visitor, dining out is a main priority.

Finals Week Fungi: Mediterranean Stuffed Mushrooms

It's finals week at DePaul, meaning I don't have much time. After working an eight hour day at my internship and having spent a little too much time working on my final 18th Century English Literature essay, I needed a quick and easy dinner solution that would be delicious, but require minimal effort.

My Solution? Stuffed mushrooms.

Friday, November 15, 2013

It's All Greek to Me: The Famous Athenian Room's Kalamata Chicken

Kalamata Chicken from the Athenian Room
So two weeks ago, my two best friends came to visit from Pennsylvania. Being their first time in Chicago, they could've suggested we do all of the touristy things--Navy Pier, Sears (begrudgingly Willis) Tower, the Field Museum....

Lucky for me, they wanted to eat. A lot.

Welcome to Honey and Herbs!

My mom, grandmother, aunts, and I at
Le Cordon Bleu Cooking School

My name is Hannah, and what can I say, I love food.  I am fortunate enough to have a mother who is an amazing cook and a family that uses food to bring us together. Many people eat to live, but we live to eat. It’s a way of socializing, a way of replenishing our bodies, and in many ways, food can become a physical manifestation of love.

But now I’m living on my own in one of the greatest food cities in America—Chicago. I’m about to enter my second year at DePaul University and I’ve graduated from my dorm and meal plan days to a tiny apartment with an even tinier kitchen. And for the first time in our lives, my roommate and I have to buy groceries, plan menus, and prepare meals for each other.

I’m quickly realizing the struggles with cooking healthy, quick and easy meals without sacrificing taste or blowing my budget. My mother has taught me well, but every week brings a new challenge—whether it’s finding a way to use the last of the overripe avocados or getting creative with the lack of space in our restrictive kitchen.

But overall, I think I’m doing a pretty good job with it, which is why I’ve decided to write this blog. I want to share some of the things I’ve learned with people who are in a similar situations. If I have one reader or a thousand, at least I feel like I’m helping someone else and sharing my knowledge.

Each week, I hope to post easy recipes and products that have made my life a little more fabulous.  I’ll share some of my pantry and refrigerator staples and tips for living a healthier lifestyle. And though my tight budget does not allow for me to dine out very often, I’ll be sure to report on the delicious cuisine this city has to offer.

As an English major, attempting to maintain a healthy lifestyle, with undeniable adoration for food, this blog is a way for me to combine my passions and share some of my discoveries with all of you.

I know I still have a lot to learn, so I’d love to hear tips and tricks from everyone else out there! We’re all in this together.