Eat, Drink, Live

Eat, Drink, Live.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Obsession: Greek Yogurt - The Most Versatile Food in Your Fridge

When it comes to yogurt, go for Greek. Plain Greek.

We're in a Greek yogurt craze right now, and that's a good thing. Plenty of brands and flavors are on the market, and it's extremely good for you. All yogurts are sources of calcium, potassium, protein, zinc, and vitamins, but Greek yogurt also contains probiotic cultures which can help regulate the digestive system. For brands that are low in fat (either 0% or 2%), Greek yogurt is basically the holy grail of foods--it's low in calories, high in protein, and is nutrient dense.

But be careful when buying Greek yogurt. Checking sugar levels and fat content is imperative. Stick to brands that are 0% or 2% fat, and take a close look at the sugar content. Some can contain SO much excess sugar that really isn't necessary. Buying plain Greek yogurt is your best option...I really like the texture of Fage the best, but I also buy Chobani or Trader Joe's brand!

I know the idea of plain yogurt can seem a little scary at first. Why buy plain when you can buy vanilla or blueberry or one of the other thousand flavors of Chobani?

Two reasons:

  1. Plain yogurt doesn’t have all the added sugar, making it much healthier for you.
  2. Plain Greek yogurt has the potential to be the most-frequently used item in your refrigerator

Try using Greek yogurt as a substitute with this conversion
chart from Chobani!
I'm serious. Buying plain can save you money and it is way healthier. Sounds like a win-win! But you don't have to sacrifice flavor just because you're buying plain. Learn how to get the most out of your plain Greek yogurt with these tips:

 You can still use plain Greek yogurt for your morning breakfast! Plain does not have to mean boring! With fresh fruit, the tart yogurt tastes great, but if you need something a little sweeter, add honey! Cinnamon also makes a flavorful addition to plain yogurt. Want to make it a little more interesting? Add a little splash of an extract like almond or vanilla to flavor your yogurt. By doing this, you still get your sweet and flavored morning yogurt, but you control the amount of added sweetener, so you’re not consuming all of the added sugars in other yogurts, which can reach 17-20 grams per serving! More importantly, the big container of plain Greek in your fridge can be used for so much more than just a breakfast item! Read on to find out some other uses for this versatile kitchen staple.

Try recipes that use Greek yogurt! Try this healthier Alfredo sauce! Or Cooking Light Magazine has some great ideas on their website! Don't be afraid to experiment!

Use Greek yogurt as a substitute for sour cream, ranch dressing, cream, buttermilk, mayonnaise or other fatty foods and creamy spreads. Mixing ranch seasoning with Greek yogurt can create a delicious spread for wraps and a dollop on tacos or enchiladas is significantly healthier than a fatty creamy dressing or sour cream. Instead of using mayonnaise for chicken or tuna salads, substitute some Greek yogurt for a healthier alternative.  When I bake apples or peaches as a snack, I add a little plain Yogurt to the top, adding some extra protein and taking the place of whipped cream, mascarpone cheese, or vanilla ice cream, which can be higher in fat and calories.

Make dressing out of Greek yogurt! I do this all the time. You can make some delicious homemade dressings with Greek yogurt. They’re so creamy! But the best part is, unlike store-bought dressings, you know exactly what ingredients are in the dressings you make at home, so you can avoid excess fat or added sugars. Here are some Greek yogurt dressing recipes I use (I’m not giving specific amounts because I usually make portions for one or two salads…the key with these is to keep giving it a taste test and add more of the ingredients that taste good to you! For thicker dressings, add less olive oil!

Creamy honey balsamic:

Equal parts olive oil and balsamic vinegar, plain Greek yogurt, honey*,  Dijon mustard* freshly ground black pepper

Asian Citrus:

Olive oil, plain Greek yogurt, lime juice*, low-sodium soy sauce*, a dash of chili powder and garlic powder, freshly ground black pepper</span>

Creamy Lemon: 

Olive oil, Greek yogurt, lemon zest*, lemon juice*, freshly ground black pepper, dill, salt to taste

*indicates adding only a little of this ingredient at first, then add more until it tastes good to you!

The key to plain Greek yogurt: Don't be afraid and try it. You probably won't even miss the flavors, and you'll love the versatility of always having some plain Greek yogurt in your fridge!

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