Eat, Drink, Live

Eat, Drink, Live.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Health Tip of the Week: Drink Up!

I know, I know. We’ve all heard this one before. But seriously, make sure you’re getting enough H2O!

The benefits of drinking water are endless—it aids in digestion, detoxification, it’ll help clear your skin, and apparently, it may even make you smarter.

But I’m not just going to tell you to drink more of the good stuff. We all know we need it, but actually doing it is a lot easier said than done.

People often use the eight 8 oz. glasses of water per day as a rule of thumb, but try taking your weight in pounds and dividing it by 2. That is about the number of ounces of water your body needs daily. So how do we make sure we’re getting enough water? Here are a few things I do:

1. Carry a water bottle. Yes, it can get annoying. But if I’m walking to the grocery store or riding in a car, it’s the perfect opportunity to take a few extra sips. I love the plastic tumblers with straws…everything is more fun with a straw!

2. Set goals for yourself at work.  Have a water bottle on your desk and make it a goal to finish the bottle before a certain time. I always try to finish one full bottle before lunch, one with my lunch midday, and another in the afternoon before I leave. Again, I use my plastic tumbler with a straw. It’s more entertaining, and creating little goals can sometimes help pass the time if it’s a slow day at the office.

3. Don’t always reach for ice. Some days, there’s nothing more refreshing than an ice cold glass of water. But ice means less water in your glass (before it melts, at least) and it’ll take you much longer to drink. Drinking cool water with minimal ice or even room temperature water makes it easier to guzzle, and you’ll be likely to sip more frequently.

4. Get creative. Let’s be honest, water can be boring. Why not get creative by adding some fruit or veggies to your water to flavor it? The classic lemon water is always a good choice, but I’ve been switching it up with lime for something a little different. At home? I’ll make a pitcher of cucumber water. Don’t hesitate to add herbs, either! Mint makes an excellent addition. For some great water recipes, click here!

5. Hungry? Drink water. The human body can often confuse hunger for thirst, so drinking a glass of water before I eat a snack is something I try to live by. If you’re still hungry after a glass of water, feel free to reach for the snack! If the water satisfies your craving, then you really don’t need that mid-day pick me up.

Drinking more water is something I challenge myself to do every day. I promise you will feel a big difference.

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